Couples Tournament
Join The Fun! Lone Tree's Monthly Couples Night!
Lone Tree Golf Course hosts "Couples Night" on the second Thursday from April to November. Start time beginning in May will be 5:30 pm. Entry fees include a nine-hole green fee, cart fee, prize fund, and food during the post-golf awards ceremony.
The format for the round is "9-Hole Modified Scotch". Both players tee off, select the best shot of the two, pick up the other ball and play from that spot, alternating shots. The most important rule of the evening is "fun".
Couples play in six-somes (three teams per group). You may sign up as a group of six or as a couple. Be sure to sign up early as this event is trendy and fills up to the maximum number of players (72).
If you have any questions, please reach out to the Pro Shop or email Ron Parish, General Manager at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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