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Events Calendar


First Tee Annual Day of Golf Tournament
Friday, September 06, 2024, 08:30am
Hits : 226

Click HERE to SPONSOR or Sign up as a Player/4some! 


Copy of Copy of Copy of Cream Modern Annual Golf Tournament Poster 2



Our annual Golf Tournament Fundraiser returns on Friday September the 6th at 8:30AM. All of the funds we collect will go towards benefiting our mission at First Tee to impact the lives of youth by providing educational programs that build character and instill life-enhancing values through the game of golf. Benefiting The First Tee of Contra Costa, an initiative of the East Bay Golf Foundation, a non-profit IRS 501 (c) (3) charitable organization: (Tax ID 01-0803067)

               The entry is $150.00 per guest or $600 for a Foursome and includes golf with cart, welcome bag with tee prize, lunch after play in Event Center. Besides golfers and lunch guests, First Tee is looking for sponsors for this event as well as donations. Sponsorship levels range from: 

  • $250 “Target” tee sign
  • $600 “Player” Sponsorship: Tee sign and banner plus a twosome of golf.
  • $1000 “Par” Sponsorship: Tee sign and banner plus a foursome of golf.
  • $1750 “Birdie” Sponsorship: Tee sign and banner, two foursomes of golf.
  • $3000 “Eagle” Sponsorship: Tee sign and banner signage plus two foursomes of golf.
  • $5,000 “Ace/Title” Sponsorship: Banner, tee sign, special banquet recognition, three foursomes of golf.

First Tee Contra Costa Board President Joe Fernandez (Diablo Creek Golf Course), Vice-President Ron Parish, (GM Lone Tree Golf Course), Executive Director Brandon Garcelon all say that “This is an outstanding opportunity for our business community and individuals to give back to our First Tee Chapter that includes the golf courses we represent. We continue to work diligently year in and year out to support our area youth. The event will advertise the individuals, businesses, and their participants will enjoy a great day while understanding further the impact our fabulous Chapter is making on the youth in our community!”

Further questions regarding registration or sponsorship, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We hope you will support this great event and our youth by either attending with guests, being a sponsor, or making a donation. Sponsors will be recognized before, during, and after our event and through our social media outreach.  Please help us to further our mission of bettering and impacting the lives of youth through the game of golf.

“Fore the Kids 2024”.


Tee Times